Eliot Cemeteries


The town of Eliot has 172 cemeteries within its borders.

We now have access to a website that allows anyone to search for people buried in those cemeteries.

For the past year the Eliot Historical Society has gathered and organized all of the data necessary to develop this website. This Website Project has been funded equally by The Eliot Historical Society along with Mt Pleasant Cemetery and Brooks Memorial Cemetery for the citizens of Eliot.

This website allows anyone to search “by name” for people buried in Eliot. The results will provide pertinent dates for the individual (if known) and directions to find the gravesite. Searches can be made for Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Brooks Cemetery or all of the other 170 Family Cemeteries that are located on private land within the Town of Eliot.

Here is the link to the Cemeteries of Eliot Website:


This website also contains other cemeteries in other states. Use the drop down menu to select one of the following Eliot Cemeteries:

Mt Pleasant #149

Brooks #151

Eliot Private Cemeteries #152

(3 separate searches would be necessary to search ALL of the cemeteries of Eliot)