Ambush Rock

The historical marker set in this rock was accomplished by Ralph Bartlett in 1915.  (The above information is from Dr. John L.M. Willis’ papers)

The marker reads as follows:

Ambush Rock

Here on Sunday July 4, 1697

Major Charles Frost

Phebe Littlefield Heard

Wife of Cap’t John Heard and

Dennis Downing

Were Killed By Indians While Returning

On Horseback From the Meeting House

In the Parish of Unity in the Precinct

Of Berwick Where They had Attended

Divine Service


The location of this rock is northwest of Rosemary Hill on Goodwin Road, Eliot, Maine.  In the early years, the rock had a stone wall crossing in the center of it parallel to the road. Dr. John L.M. Willis wrote in his memo’s that Major Charles Frost was buried near the house of Mrs. Charles Stacy.

There have been many changes in the road in the past 100 years, but the rock is still sectioned off and is in good sight. Today there is a home at the site of the rock at #786 Goodwin Road, Eliot, Maine.