Click on a decade below to read various memories of Eliot. Please share your own by sending them to us today:

Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
– Robert Frost
Memories are part of our personal history. Our experiences of a special person, a place, a time, or an event forever recorded in our minds. They may be passed down through the generations or lost completely when our time on Earth is done. Memories of a beloved hometown can be especially vivid and comforting . We invite you to share your personal memories of Eliot. It doesn’t matter if you have lived here 8 months or 80 years, or if you haven’t lived here for quite some time. Share your favorite personal memories of our town. Do you have any photographs from Eliot’s past that you would like to share? Send them along too. Spend some time with elderly friends or relatives and ask them to share their memories of Eliot also. You can even submit a memory of a memory shared by someone who is no longer with us. Submissions can be as long or short as you wish. You can submit your memories as often as you wish, or as often as you can recall them. If it is a memory that holds a special significance to you, we would love for you to share it. Submissions will be compiled and shared on our website once we have received enough of them. Please include your name and town or indicate if you wish to remain anonymous. Also try to provide the time period of your memory so that we may sort them chronologically.