

On February 8, 1897, Dr. John L.M. Willis founded the Eliot Historical Society and became its first president.

Today the Eliot Historical Society endeavors to preserve the town’s long and vibrant history through the collection of artifacts and documents.

The Historical Society welcomes donations of Eliot related materials: books, calendars, artifacts, photos, advertising items, booklets, military items from local servicemen. Please remember the Eliot Historical Society when you are moving or cleaning out the family home or the home of a family member. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

The Society’s monthly meetings are open to the public and offer interesting and educational programs pertaining to Eliot’s history.

The Society now meets at 6:30 PM on the second Monday of the month at the First Congregational Church located 1361 State Road, Eliot, Maine.  All meetings are available via Zoom. Please contact us, at least 3 days before the meeting, for the Zoom invitation information at info@eliothistoricalsociety.org.