A Memorial to Phebe Littlefield Heard

On a Sunday, July 4, 1697, Maj. Charles Frost, Phebe Littlefield Heard (the wife of Capt. John Heard), and Dennis Downing were killed by Indians while returning on horseback from the meeting house in the Parish of Unity in the Berwick precinct where they had attended divine services.  Others with the party had escaped to safety. The area is known as “Ambush Rock” at Rosemary Hill.

A large grave stone located just off Depot Road, on the right hand side after leaving the brook by Marshwood High School, marks where Phebe Littlefield Heard is buried.  She had a daughter by the name of Shuah that married Capt. Nathaniel Bartlett. After the death of her mother, Shuah had her mother buried in the Bartlett family grave lot.  There are many of the Bartlett family buried in this area.

Today, a large elm tree stands by the grave which is about opposite the first of the two old Bartlett farms on Depot Road.